Septic Saver | Septic Tank Cleaner

- Industrial Strength Prevents Clogs & Backups
- Removes Dangerous Nitrates ***
- One Month Septic Treatment
- Over 60 Billion Beneficial Bacteria – Over 50 times more powerful septic bacteria than the leading brands
- Keeps Septic Systems Running at Optimal Efficiency
- Natural & Organic
When household waste is broken down in the septic tank, the end product is Nitrates. Nitrates then leach with the septic tank water out into the septic fields and travel down though the soil into the water table. Once there, they can mix with your well water. The EPA states that Nitrate levels above 10ppm (Nitrogen) in well water is a health risk for infants and can cause BLUE BABY SYNDROME. High Nitrates can also be harmful to pregnant mothers and some adults. Nitrates can run off into streams, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water causing algae blooms, which can harm fish and other aquatic life.
MICROBIAL SCIENCE LABORATORIES SEPTIC SAVER – SEPTIC TANK CLEANER reduces dangerous Nitrates in the septic tank by converting Nitrates into Nitrogen Gas. As the septic tank water flows out into the septic field, Nitrogen Gas is released up into the atmosphere, not down into the water table, helping to keep the environment and your well water safe. 78% of the Atmosphere contains Nitrogen, which is essential for life.